Five House Democrats led by Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez of New York wrote to the US attorney general, Merrick Garland, to demand a federal investigation of the conservative supreme court justice Clarence Thomas, over his acceptance of undeclared gifts from billionaire rightwing donors.

“We write to urge the Department of Justice to launch an investigation into … Clarence Thomas for consistently failing to report significant gifts he received from Harlan Crow and other billionaires for nearly two decades in defiance of his duty under federal law,” the Democrats said.

    1 year ago

    Oh please, everyone likes to think they are above this. Your leftist community is no different. I made a single comment unknowingly in lemmygrad and was accused of being a colonialist for being a social Democrat. They used racial slurs against me, they accused me of saying things I never said, and acted like I was the evil that invaded their space. They didn’t block me, but holy fuck were they a toxic cesspit of leftist rage because I wasn’t “left” enough.

    You want social change that doesn’t end in anarchy and countless deaths, societal change needs to happen slowly and they couldn’t find reason in that. They want/expect some sort of paradigm shift and anyone that doesn’t fight for this is “the enemy”.

    Fuck them entirely and communist horse they rode in on.

            1 year ago

            Institutional Racism? Yeah, I can probably agree with you there. But racism towards one individual? No, you are flat out wrong. By redefining what “racism” is, you don’t get to just give yourself a free pass on racial slurs and insults. It’s not okay for people to do it to you, and fuck you if you think it’s okay to do it to other people. A big fuck you.

            Defining “racism” as being determined primarily by systemic power as a whole is odd, to say the least, and creates even more odd assumptions. Does that mean if a minority non-white population gains a controlling, majority power in the US, that white people are no longer racist in the US? Yeah, that sounds kinda retarded, don’t it? Can a Hispanic person be racist to a black person? Or is there some sort of grading formula that determines what’s okay and not okay to you?

            The definition of racism by the dictionary: Prejudice, discrimination, or antagonism by an individual, community, or institution against a person or people on the basis of their membership in a particular racial or ethnic group, **typically **one that is a minority or marginalized.

            By that very definition, your usage of “cracker” is every bit as “racist” as calling any other ethnicity any other racial, derogatory word. And your community is not doing itself any favors when you single out people that are somewhat supportive of your view points.

            It must awfully convenient when you just get to pick your own meaning and interpretations on words.

                1 year ago

                No, it really isn’t. There’s institutional racism, or racism built into laws and rulings, and systemic racism that’s built into traditions, beliefs, and opinions.

                I’m going by the standard definition and your going by whatever it is that leftists would like to define things as. Then again we’re arguing semantics. I’ll never think that it’s okay for you guys to be derogatory, discriminateling assholes just because I’m white, just like I’ll never think it’s okay for literally anyone else to discriminate against any other ethnicity.

                • queermunist she/
                  1 year ago

                  Whiteness has to be abolished, not coddled. It’s not an ethnicity; there are white ethnicities but whiteness, itself, is an artificial construction of colonialism. It was literally invented to justify slavery and genocide, to stop race mixing, and to enable superexploitation of nonwhite peoples.

                  You have never thought seriously about racism or what it is or where it comes from or why it’s bad. Grow up.