Despite the impressive growth in broad economic indicators like GDP and a reduction in unemployment, millions of Americans are grappling with an ongoing humanitarian crisis. The Democrats’ touted economic recovery, often referred to as “Bidenomics,” faces scrutiny as food insecurity reaches its highest level since Biden took office, and financial hardship in 2023 is worse than in the previous three years. While the initial aid measures helped alleviate the blow of the COVID-19 pandemic, the subsequent failure to enact a robust social agenda and the termination of temporary aid programs have left many Americans struggling. The situation is compounded by the fact that the country’s strong economic recovery has not translated into welfare for many, as financial distress increased significantly after the expiration of pandemic aid programs. This dichotomy between macroeconomic success and the reality on the ground has led to growing discontent, with recent polls reflecting low approval of Biden’s economic leadership.

    1 year ago

    Reality is everyone will struggle more and more as long as even an ounce of Reagan’s ideas remain inside our government. Its not rocket science, or some esoteric entity from behind the veil. We are too top heavy. Resources are not being allocated efficiently or where they are needed, but where the money is. Which often coincides with whoever is already hoarding capital. Until we address that our system serves the few and not the many, more will struggle every year until we are crushed under the weight of Momon’s golden throne.

  • queermunist she/
    1 year ago

    Love to be told how great the economy is while I can’t save any fucking money because of inflation.

    Yeah, I’m making more than I ever have in my life! And it doesn’t fucking matter!

      1 year ago

      You should look at historic inflation levels and how insane it was to keep them as low as they were for as long as we did. The current levels are closer to recommended amounts (4-ish%) for proper growth but we never raised wages enough since the 60s for that level to feel right.

      Then conservatives plundered even more during a pandemic and told everyone it was the fault of any stimulus or economically stimulating activity that caused all your problems. The US had a lower inflation rate than the EU or UK or most elsewhere yet the GOP had people believing that raising the minimum wage by a few dollars would doom us all.

      It’s hard to believe the economy is great if the only metric is “it’s not burning down” all while the working class gets strangled.

      Still you’ll only get strangled so long as the GOP is voted in with free reign to plunder. Reagan raised taxes twice, and had far worse inflation than now. George Bush Sr raised taxes still then Clinton had the deficit on track to be entirely paid off. Bush Jr blew it all up and spent 3 trillion of unnecessary wars instead of anything you’d hold dear… then melted down the economy such that I was told by multiple finance execs that the country was a hairs breadth from shutting down ATMs. It was burning down after 2 consecutive republicans terms and I have zero doubt it would be the case if trump was re-elected. Under Trump, the U.S. national debt rose by nearly $7.8 trillion, following the third-largest primary deficit growth out of all U.S. presidents except for George W. Bush and Abraham Lincoln. He added 40% to that in ONE TERM before Covid. That’s how bad republicans are…

      It sucks but there is a clear pattern of two-Santa’s level of recklessness. Biden is doing pretty fucking great when you consider the past century of GOP plundering and Milton Friedman’s shitty track record.

      • queermunist she/
        1 year ago

        “Biden is great if you consider the alternative”

        This is a false choice, though. Biden is the only electable alternative, but electing Biden doesn’t actually stop Republicans taking back power later when voters get sick of Democrats failing to fulfill their promises. It’s like clockwork! Every few election cycles the voters get sick of Democrats failing to live up to expectations and gamble on Republicans, and without fail the Republicans make everything worse. Then they vote for Democrats to clean up the mess, but they never manage to accomplish everything they promise and things just get worse.

        Surely you see how this ends, right? Eventually Republicans will get elected one too many times and the country will collapse.

        Can’t wait to be told to vote for Pete Buttigieg when I’m a homeless squatter in a bombed out Walmart.

          1 year ago

          It’s only a false take if you ignore the past 5+ decades and call any progress “false” compared to whatever ideological inanity that only exists in your head.

          Biden has in fact been great for objective, and easily understood metrics of progress.

          There is no alternative to get that progress elsewhere. Show me the republican accomplishing anything close, I’ll wait. Seriously show anything… show me the socialist changing shit right now… again I’ll wait. But for how many years?

          We didn’t didn’t get a socialist utopia before, and in fact the US got 8 years of lies taking the country to Iraq, creating the patriot act, and causing the economy to melt down… meanwhile Obamacare did in fact help extend access to healthcare and removed arbitrary barriers like preexisting conditions. Yet… it’s all the same and we might as well vote for Bush again and go to war with Iraq or Iran. Both sides… That’s the track re-record you want to ignore.

          It’s not perfect but tell me the socialists that helped US citizens get better healthcare… I’ll wait (for years) for the answer.

          Tell me the obstacles for not accomplishing more? Joe Lieberman? Not liberals…

          So keep it up with the “alternatives” angle. All while sounding ignorant about said angles and offering no alternatives.

          • queermunist she/
            1 year ago

            I didn’t say there was an alternative. Maybe there isn’t - I certainly don’t expect to be able to retire and will be forced to take out a 9mm plan when I’m too old to work.