How do I make an office appear on OpenCycleMap?

The local representation of the German Cyclists’ Association has an entry on OpenStreetMap and has tools and an air pump for cyclists on site.
We would like the association to appear on OpenCycleMap as well. For this purpose, both service:bicycle:pump=yes and service:bicycle:repair=yes have been set for the node.
It’s been more than a week since the according changes were made - unfortunately I still can’t see the location in OpenCycleMap. Any ideas what to do?
#OpenCycleMap #OpenStreetMap

  • Andy
    4 months ago

    @oliver What do you expect to see - a tourist information office icon, or a bike repair station icon?

    We show amenity=bicycle_repair_station but we don’t currently show other features (e.g. tourism=information) with service:bicycle:* tags.