I noticed that there were some accounts that were hijacked by the instance owners. All the posts from that user were then edited to say what happened.

This kind of surprised me, I figured instances could delete posts, but not edit them. So how much control do they have?

I assume they can’t see my password (hopefully). Can they post in my name? Do they have all the access to my posts to foreign instances that they do over local posts?

Edit: thanks for all the responses everyone! I’ve wanted my own instance for a while, but maybe I’ll get on it now

  • Shadow@lemmy.ca
    1 year ago

    Just to correct the people who say they can’t see your password - this is only true if they’re running a stock copy of lemmy, which hashes passwords in the database.

    They’re free to modify their instance however they want, including storing unencrypted passwords or emailing your password on registration to a bot farm.

    Always use a unique password for every site you use.

    • James@lemmy.ca
      1 year ago

      Before people get worried about this, this is how literally any online service works. If you have an account anywhere, you trusted that service to not record your password.

      Only exception is oauth, which actually might be a good idea for Lemmy.

    • Michal@discuss.tchncs.de
      1 year ago

      An instance owner having access to the database can surely change the password to access the account and then change it back. If you’re the server owner, you can do anything you want directly on the database.

    • amos@lemmy.world
      1 year ago

      Or even modifying the login page to send and store unencrypted passwords to get passwords from people who already registered long ago

  • empireOfLove@lemmy.one
    1 year ago

    The passwords are hashed (AFAIK), but the instance admin has effectively full control of any and all data originating on their instance, right down to the database level.

    There has to be some level of guaranteed trust for any instance to work. And in some capacity there is inherent trust across the entire Fediverse that instances federating content are to be trustworthy. It’s no different than any other forum from the old web days- there’s zero guarantees and there’s no way around it.

  • m-p{3}@lemmy.ca
    1 year ago

    They have full control over the account. Since they control the server, they can modify the database to do whatever they want.

  • nin0dev@lemmy.ml
    1 year ago

    as instance admins, they have access to the database, so they straight up can edit any data.

    only thing they can’t do is view your password (hashed), but they can replace the hash by one of a known pw.

    so you must have some trust in your instance owner, again whats good with the fediverse is that you can just start your own instance, and then the best they can do is defederate from you or ban you.

  • static09@lemmy.world
    1 year ago

    It’s important to note that your password has to be stored someway, no matter what, no matter where. How it’s stored can be varied, from hashed (think encrypted) to cleartext. I’m assuming lemmy is using hashed passwords, so if you’re concerned about your password being available to an instance owner, admin, or potential attackers, then you’ll need to follow safe password guidelines. Changing the concept from passwords to passphrases is a great start.

    Always keep in mind, if the data isn’t stored on your device, you do not technically own that data. You have to trust the owners to be good data custodians and treat the data you give them as if it were their own private data.

    I’ll leave this now internet-ancient sacred image for future passphrase converts.

    • Just to be clear, you’re talking about Lemmy. There are authentication mechanisms in which the instance never has access to your password, in any form.

      I wish I could upvote your comment multiple times for the XKCD comic on this. And to anyone curious, there are many tools which will generate XKCD passwords for you. One’s called “correcthorse”, and there’s another called “correctpony”. A github search for “xkcd password” should turn up several.

        • Are you asking why can’t a bad admin change the code so that they can more easily steal the password? They could, and this is what OP was saying about trusting the admin. What I was saying was that there are client-side auth mechanisms, where the admin never has access to the password. But Lemmy could also implement OAuth, or a similar federated identity pattern, where (again) the Lemmy admin never has access to any form of the password.

          I’ve never run a Lemmy instance; it’s possible the server software supports SSO but few instances use it.

  • andkit@discuss.tchncs.de
    1 year ago

    A lot of people here mentioned that passwords are hashed, but unless I missed it no one pointed out the following:

    The admin of your instance controls your login form and they can pull your password when you log in. So, as others mentioned: always use unique passwords, never ever reuse them.

    In general a server admin can do anything they want on their own instance.

    Federation wise I’d say if your home instance is the bad actor you are screwed, if it’s another instance then their capabilities for mischief hare probably (hopefully?) more limited. And any such action would likely cause a swift defederation of the malicious instance

  • willya@lemmyf.uk
    1 year ago

    On which instance did this stuff happen? I’d like to defederate for sure.

  • sylver_dragon@lemmy.world
    1 year ago

    Just want to add some detail to what everyone is saying about passwords. From what I understand, by default, Lemmy uses the bcrypt hashing function to store passwords. This is a fantastic choice. The great thing about hashing a password is that there is no way to go from the hash back to the password. It’s mathematically impossible, since the process loses information. This is different from encryption where there is a mathematical way to recover the original data from the ciphertext.

    So great, no recovering passwords! Well…Not exactly. While there is no way to calculate the password from the hash, the neat thing about hashing algorithms is that the same input, run through the same function, will always produce the same output. And since we know Lemmy uses bcrypt, and a sufficiently motivated attacker could look at the code and figure out all the variables that goes into the bcrypt function in Lemmy, an attacker can know exactly how your password was hashed. They can make a guess at your password, run it through the function and see if that matches the hash stored in the database (this is actually how you are authenticated when logging in). If they do that a lot of times, they might be able to guess your password this way. This is basic brute forcing of a password. and there are pre-built tools to do this.

    Extending that brute force attack further. People are bad at picking passwords. Most peoples’ passwords follow similar patterns and have similar words in them. If you get such a list of words and use it to make up the guesses using common patterns, this can greatly speed up the guessing of passwords. And, wouldn’t you know it, this also has pre-built lists and tools to do. It’s dead simple. Take a class on hacking and you’ll likely be doing this on day 1. Day 2 if the instructor eats up a lot of time going over the syllabus.

    So, what’s the defense against this? Well, two things:

    1. Unique passwords - and not just a common password with an easy to guess change. Having “Password1” here and “Password2” over there isn’t smart, no matter how smart your version of “Password” is. I mean real, complex, unique passwords. Give up memorizing them, or even knowing what they are. Get a good password vault (e.g. KeePass or BitWarden), and use that to both generate and store passwords. Protect that with a long passphrase (a sentence, with capitalization and punctuation) which you can remember.
    2. Multi-factor authentication (MFA) - This can be limited to stuff which you really care about. If someone hacks your PornHub account, you probably don’t care. If someone hacks your bank account, you probably do care. There’s a whole discussion on MFA and what types are better; but, if you can enable it on a site you don’t want compromised, use what’s offered.
    • James@lemmy.ca
      1 year ago

      That is a lot of words to say ‘they can’t see your password, but they can try to guess it. Make a secure password and you won’t have any problems’

      • sylver_dragon@lemmy.world
        1 year ago

        That’s a fair critique. However, I find the advice “Make a secure [unique] password and you won’t have any problem” is often given, without any explanation as to “why” that advice is given. As someone who likes to know the “why” behind things like this, I like to give that detail as well.

    • Bongles@lemm.ee
      1 year ago

      This is how any website is. Reddit can do the same thing, it’s why some users who edited all their comments there had them reverted back.