So I’ve got a unique situation. I just got a new laptop, and it has a nice CPU, but only an iGPU. It can certainly run older games, even with an iGPU, but I don’t know how I should go about it. I don’t like to use steam because it’s a proprietary, and I also don’t like to use wine because of the dependency and compatibility issues. I have tried emulation but that’s a good bit more demanding than native/translated games. Does anyone have ideas for a solution, or should I just quit trying and install another distro for gaming uses?
Thanks for the invite, I decided to have a squizz at the github, and saw that
Do you think that Wine-GE might be better for GOG games? I remember Wine-GE working fine for me before.
Wine-GE was abandoned for the new UMU-launcher. Lutris will use UMU if you target the GE-Proton (latest) version.
You can always use vanilla wine or wine staging too, make sure you install dxvk in the prefix though with winetricks.