• daychilde@beehaw.org
    1 year ago

    Literally every other US citizen would be a prisoner long since for doing a microscopic part of what Trump did.

    While I agree with you 99.9% and emphasize that I strongly so do… as much as the “both sides” bullshit is, in fact, bullshit… the one small bit of it that is true is that our politicians do get away with these things, although most of them are only doing a microscopic part of what Trump has done. But plenty of them - both parties, even the one I always vote for - act poorly and get away with it for any number of reasons, including the fact that we hesitate to go after politicians because it’s seen as political.

    But let me finish by reiterating that Trump has been particularly and unprecedently egregious in his blatant criminal acts.

    • starrox@lemmy.ml
      1 year ago

      Beautifully said!

      But what is the solution on the political front then? Is it to get new blood in while forcing the “old garde” out? How do you do that through brigades of lobbyists that prevent according laws from even existing? From the outside, the whole system seems pretty fucked.

      You have two parties. Both are basically center right, one a bit more right than center maybe ( R ). The whole county is “gerrymandered” to the point where the actual voices of the citizens dont seem to matter anymore because some individuals decide for thousands.

      While it would certainly be possible to run as an independent 3rd party, the cost of that would be prohibitively high because of the established apparatus the two main parties already have.

      The leaders and high functioneers of the two main parties do their damndest to stay there because power is power and wealth is wealth.

      Then there is a gigantic lobbying industry, so buying votes seems not only tolerated, but even encouraged. (sidenote: how the fuck did that even happen? not only in America ofc.)

      And then there is the media. I do believe free speech is a good thing. But I honestly believe that what eg. Fox News is allowed to send is more like “incitement of the people” than “information”. And I know they get away with it due to calling it “entertainment”. Well, a good third of the country is certainly “entertained” to the point of starting revolts.

      To me it seems, the only way would be to get in good (as in, ethically) new blood at the local level, feed and groom them, then rise to regional, then national level. While simultaneously waiting for all of the old garde to die. LoL.

      I bet I missed a thousand things but that seems to be the gist of it to me. What are your all opinions?

      *edited with paragraphs for readability and fixed the minor mistakes