Your local bi(polar) schizo fluffernutter.

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Joined 6 months ago
Cake day: December 30th, 2023

  • Yeah, but that seems to be an issue with aftermarket membranes mostly. I haven’t found any that aren’t stiffer than the OEM by a significant degree. If you can find an OEM membrane in good condition, and combine it with the cardstock mod, it usually reaches about the same stiffness. However, after all this time I’ve found OEM membranes tear pretty easily, making them even stiffer than aftermarket, so I personally opted to deal with the stiffness of aftermarket membranes combined with the cardstock. Though nowadays I actually just use an SP because I like that dpad more (it uses metal membranes that don’t as easily wear down.)

  • I had this problem with one I modded myself because the new screen was just slightly thicker than the old, pressing on the outer shell and causing the dpad to need more pressure. The solution that worked for me is cutting a small ring of cardstock and putting it between the dpad and the membrane. It increases sensitivity by a lot, but does come with the side effect that you’ll be able to press every direction down at once if you press on the center.

  • Don’t really need photoshop. It’s not all that hard to get a setup like this working with cheap converters from Amazon. It’s whether somebody’s grandma who refuses to upgrade from a TV that old would know how to do it that’s the questionable part, but it’s not impossible somebody set it up for her.

  • Sombyr@lemmy.ziptoMemes@lemmy.mlPulling it off
    3 months ago

    I agree about BMI often being a bad measurement. Even my own doctors ignore it on me because my BMI is well into the obese range and yet every other measurement of health is in the healthy range, most well into it. My body fat for instance is just below 30%, which is perfectly healthy for a woman. My waist line is well into healthy range as well. Additionally, all my tests such as blood tests come back more than healthy and show that I’m not at risk for any obesity related conditions. Of course, I don’t look like the standard “healthy” body most people imagine a woman should have. I would look fat to anyone who doesn’t know the full picture.
    That’s why I always hated that whole thing people say that “If you’re BMI is high and you’re still healthy it’ll be really obvious.” People just assume that high BMI and healthy means muscular, when you can have a normal body fat percentage as well as other measurements but still have a high BMI.
    This is even ignoring the fact that even when you are genuinely obese and unhealthy, it often stems from body image issues in the first place. The same way a depressed person often goes “I’m doing everything wrong anyway so why bother even trying?” A fat person often is having the struggle of “I’m ugly anyway so why even bother trying to be pretty and healthy? Healthy just means I gotta live longer being ugly.” That’s why berating people for being fat usually doesn’t work. It just makes them feel worse and reinforces that idea they already have that they’re too ugly to bother. Sure, some people it might kick into gear to try their best to lose weight to prove they’re not ugly, but that’s the difference between somebody who still has hope and somebody that’s already lost it all.

  • The most cathartic moment of my entire life was when I encountered that exact thing in a thread from over a decade ago expecting that to be it and lost all hope, only to find somebody replied calling them out and telling them to share their solution or future googlers were gonna be very upset. They posted their solution and it did, indeed, work.
    Don’t even remember what the issue was, but the wave of relief was amazing enough that I still remember the feeling to this day.

  • Sombyr@lemmy.ziptoGames@lemmy.worldWhat game fits this?
    5 months ago

    I am diagnosed with ADHD, but more pressingly I’m diagnosed with Schizoaffective disorder. The manic phases from that make me try to empty my bank account at the slightest provocation, even after being medicated rather well for it.

    The ADHD sure doesn’t help though, causing me to still be impulsive even when not in a manic phase, just less so. It’s also possible my impulse control in my manic phases is only as bad as it is because it’s combined with ADHD.

  • Where I live they seem to come and go. Some years there’s literally zero, then a few years later there’ll be so many you almost don’t wanna go outside because they might get in your mouth. Although admittedly I haven’t seen the usual swarms lately either. It’s long overdue and yet they’re not here.
    It’s a big change from when I was a kid, still living in this same area, but we had a consistent, manageable number of fireflies every year.

  • Sombyr@lemmy.ziptoGames@lemmy.worldWhat game fits this?
    5 months ago

    I know you’re joking, or at least half joking, but I literally am getting help for this. I have psychiatric appointments constantly to deal with how easily I get addicted to things and occasionally try meds to try to improve my impulse control.

    I haven’t quit the game because my psychiatrist and the few therapists I’ve gone through feel the game’s actually been a net positive on my life, and the real problem is my impulse control. If I wasn’t drooling over a 2000$ staff I’d be buying 2000$ worth of 40k minis that I’ll never actually get around to putting together and painting. That actually already happened a little bit during a brief period where I quit the game, and I did indeed buy a bunch of 40k shit I still haven’t assembled.