They did surgery on a grape
They did surgery on a grape
They did surgery on a grape
Is this a screenshot from TikTok posted on Instagram posted on Facebook posted on reddit posted on Snapchat posted on Twitter posted on Lemmy?
They did surgery on a grape.
They did surgery on a grape
Revolver Ocelot…oops
I just got here. What’s going on?
They did surgery on a grape…
Meme aside. If this is the story I think it is. The surgery took place in let’s say Los Angelos. The surgeon, however, had remote in from Britian. (not 100% on exact locations) Making it possible to remote medical care from around the globe.
When grapes have better Healthcare than most of America
They did what on the what now?
Surgery, surgery… surgery
What happened to that grape? It’s like they did some kind of medical procedure. Colonoscopy?
It’s using the Da Vinci surgical machine. I had a liver surgery years ago and they used it on me. Reduces scarring on your abdominal wall by allowing the surgeon to create smaller holes, use robotic arms and cameras to see inside, etc.
Highly recommend watching the video this came from